Humor and Health

How’s Your Laugh Life? Humor, Health and High Performance

Learn ways to add fun to your home and work life. Learn how humor boosts your health and your bottom line. Lots of toys to take home. Your co-workers will thank you, your family will rejoice, your dog, well your dog loves you no matter what.

This lively program will help you:

Breast cancer survivors laugh with Karen

Breast cancer survivors laugh with Karen

  • Look at your life at home and work with fresh eyes.
  • Shift attitudes, smooth conflict, boost creativity and vitality.
  • Strengthen and reward teams.
  • Create a portable humor hit.
  • Discover 17 ways to easily and appropriately lighten up at work.

Companion Guidebook: 55 Ways To Improve Your Laugh Life

Bonus: Laughter Yoga

Karen is a Certified Laughter Yoga Instructor. What’s Laughter Yoga? First, there is no spandex or mats required. Laughter Yoga is a combination of laughter exercises, simple stretching and breathing that promote laughing for no reason.

That’s right. There are no jokes, comedians or clowns needed. The benefits of laughing for no reason were discovered by Matan Kataria, MD in India. He found it was the physical act of laughing that produced positive benefits such as:

  • Reduced stress
  • Bolstered immune system
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Boost oxygen to the brain
  • Add aerobic activity
  • Build community

Add this to your program on humor or have a 30 minute laughter yoga session to start your conference off on an upbeat, healthy, unique note.