How To Reboot When You’re Stalled
I’m Back!

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How embarrassing! My last e-newsletter was in October of 2017. No need to explain. Besides life getting in the way, I just got out of the habit. I tried to write several times between then and now, but I failed to launch back into my regular writing habit.
Has that ever happened to you? You were on a roll with your exercising, saving money or calling your mother and you suddenly got out of the habit. What derailed you? Perhaps a computer glitch, the weather, a loss that set you back, a blister, an unexpected expense or boredom.
Whatever it was that caused you to interrupt your good intentions doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is taking that first step. Getting started. Getting started anywhere.
When I sat down to write this after 11 months of falling off the writing wagon, I stared at the blank page. I wondered what the perfect comeback article would be. Nothing came to me, so I just started writing. This is advice given to me by my son the writer, Gary. Start anywhere. Don’t edit. Don’t judge. Just start. Good advice for breaking inertia in any area of life.
Last week, I had a phone call to make to a potential client. He hadn’t responded to my past calls or emails. I was fearful of rejection. Then I thought, this is silly. Just a few months ago I drove a stick shift car by myself around France. I was never afraid. But, picking up a phone? That scared me. Only one thing to do. Take a deep breath and call.
One of my favorite kick-start ideas comes from Mel Robbins. Check her out on YouTube. In order to get yourself to do something you don’t want to do or if you feel stuck, simply count backward from 5. Five, four, three, two, one, go! Then lift off! Go. Start. Do. That simple countdown has launched me into many activities I’ve resisted. Try it! Are you resisting trying it? Then count down 5,4,3,2,1 and do it.
Whew! I did it! I wrote a Monday Mini after 10 months of resisting. I’ve launched.
I’m back!
Karen Susman speaks, trains and coaches on wellness and communication skills. If you want to bore no more, contact Karen at karen@karensusman.com